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Mrs. Becky Martin

TFCP Director

Mrs. Becky Martin has been a part of the Tinton Falls Cooperative School Family since she moved to the area in 1999.  When planning her family’s move, Becky searched for the best place to enroll her second son into preschool and her first criteria was a cooperative setting.  Once she found “The Co-op” there was no need to look further.  The warm atmosphere and active play-based learning environment was the perfect fit for her family. Becky’s son and then herdaughter attended the Co-op and Becky became actively involved as a volunteer on many of the committees. 

In 2007 a position opened in the 2 ½ to 3-year-old classroom and Mrs. Martin started teaching at our school.  In January 2013, while continuing teaching her class, Mrs. Martin started her director position at the school.   As the director of this unique and special school Mrs. Martin continues to find the love and support of staff and parents to be the backbone of the school family which creates a rich learning environment for the children who attend.

Becky continues to view the Early Childhood Education experience to be the most important time for young children in respect to their interest in learning. 

Mrs. Becky Martin
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